Dealing with the death of a loved one is very difficult and a strain on your whole being. As you journey through grief it is important to remember that you will get through it. There are a few helpful hints that you may find useful:
Maintain your relationships with friends and family who will listen without judgement, and will encourage you to talk about the deceased and your feelings.
Delay major decisions for a year. Experiencing major changes at this time could cause added stress and prolong your healing process.
Make your physician aware of your situation. He or she will be very helpful in offering aftercare support.
Your body will be more physically demanding. You may require more rest. And, as always, balanced meals are important. You will need to maintain good health to help you through the grief journey.
Recognize your feelings and accept them. Your grief journey will bring many feelings that may confuse you (shock, denial, anger, guilt, relief, depression and acceptance). You must remember that these feelings are normal and that you shouldn't feel bad for your feelings. Be patient with yourself.
Keep a journal. This will help you to get your feelings out, and to monitor your progress. As time goes on you will be able to look back and see how far you have come.
Attend support groups. This will allow you to meet people that have gone through a similar experience. They could prove to be instrumental in your healing process. They will be able to offer personal experience and guidance to you.
Treasure your memories. They will always be with you, and they are the gift that your loved one has given to you.